Sunday, April 24, 2005

On the Move

Well, it seems my late bloomer is moving up in the ranks. On Thursday, when we saw the doc for his 9 month update, I expressed a wee bit of concern because Charlie was yet to crawl, and all of the email updates have moved past crawling, to pulling themselves up and other fun things. Now, I wasn't overly worried, because it is nice to not have a mobile baby. Conversely, the kiddo is frustrated, and he is so close, I would rather he just get on with it.

Friday we dropped them both off at my mom and dad's house, so that we could get some stuff done to the house. Charlie has taken a crawl or two, but he never seemed to realize that he was doing it. By Saturday afternoon, he was a pro. I just knew he would do this when I wasn't around! Plus, as an added bonus, he was pulling himself up! Little guy was a busy dude at Granny and Geido's!

So, all is well. Except for the heart thing. I am really ok with it. I know how common it is, blah blah blah, but there is a piece of me that can't help worrying about it. Like, Thursday afternoon he took the longest nap ever, and I thought he had died. Because of the heart murmur. Yes, I really am that dramatic.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Charlie went in for his 9 month well baby visit today. I was thinking it would be all peaches and cream. He is gaining weight, hasn't been to the ER in over a month, getting teeth, just about to crawl and there would be no shots today. Boy, was I wrong.

It seems, our dearest problem child, has a heart murmur. Now, I know it is fairly common, and they usually heal thyself, and this seems to be the case here, but STILL. Couldn't Charlie do something low-stress for once? It is getting exhausting, bud. And if he even looks at drinking or smoking in high school, I will inform him that his troublesome days are long behind him.

Anyway, the heart murmur. Doc said that it is fairly common to hear it now, as opposed to earlier, and that most likely means it is closing itself up. Still need to see a pediatric cardiologist, just to make sure. Might even have to go a bunch of times, until it is gone. Really, I am not overly worried. Bump in the sidewalk, really. Just not overly happy about it, either.

So, let's tally Charlie's score up until now.
  1. The conception. Doc had just told me, 2 weeks before, that it would probably take longer to get pregnant second time around, since the first time, it was fairly quick. He said that was just the way it goes. I miscalculated my cycle, told the ol' hubs on night that he was in the clear and we could forget all the precautions for ONE NIGHT ONLY, and, two days later, my temp went up. Hmmm, must be ovulating today, I thought (I was new to the temping groove). Oh well, what are the chances that ONE TIME WOULD GET ME PREGNANT. Should have listened in health class.
  2. First sign of trouble was the very first u/s, done at 10 weeks. They couldn't see anything, which is odd, since I was supposed to be 8 weeks. So, they guessed that I was wrong about my dates (see #1), and had me come in two weeks later. Two weeks later, still barely able to see anything. By now, am kind of freaking. They sent me to the hospital, so that I could have the internal u/s, and all was well. Apparently, my uterus is flipped or some such nonsense, so everything is farther back and harder to see on u/s in the early days (ok, you could argue that this was MY problem, but it is Charlie related, so I still count it).
  3. Then I had my 20 week u/s, and there was a red flag with regard to his kidneys. Probably nothing to worry about, they said, this is a common red flag, and it oftentimes wrong. Had to go for another u/s at 28 weeks, and all was fine.
  4. He was born, and had jaundice. Yes, common again, but Jack hadn't had it, so I didn't know what to do. Also, my milk comes in late, so it got pretty high as a result. No lights, but we did have to take him to urgent care to get checked, and in the clinic again soon after to be double-checked.
  5. At his 6 month appt, didn't gain enough weight, and had to go back 6 weeks later (still don't know what that was all about).
  6. The ER trip last month.
  7. On-going sleep issues.
  8. Now this.

That is almost as many issues as months of his life. KNOCK IT OFF, KID..

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Another Month Down

My Chucker is now 9 months old. In 3 months he will be one year. It is amazing to think about what life was like before him. What a cliche, but I guess there is a reason that everyone is saying it, huh?

Life with him is getting pretty good. Both of my boys seem to have settled comfortably around the 9 month mark. Sleeping well at night, check. Fairly predictable schedule during the day, check. Happy little dude, CHECK.

He still only has the one tooth, but with the amount of sleep and poop he has been producing, not to mention the size of his swollen gums, I think that tooth has a buddy joining him here soon. Charlie is a pretty good teether. With Jack, I remember we would have about a week of misery, and then all would be well, and then a week or two later, a tooth would emerge. With Charlie, there is some discomfort, a little Tylenol is needed some days, more napping, and then, a tooth! I thought I would be really sad to see the first tooth, but it is so cute, it is hard to be sad. I am lucky that my kids bloom a little late in this regard. When the teeth come, I am ready.

Still no crawling, but we are getting ever closer. He is doing the up on all 4s and scoots backwards. He just recently also mastered going from all 4s to sitting up. He isn't much of a stander, doesn't get that you have to hold on and has wobbly legs. In fact, his crib is still on the highest setting!

Eating is still going well. I might get him started on eating what we do, all of the time. He seems to have mastered Cheerios (actually, this protein cereal stuff my Mom convinced me to buy...) so I think he is ready. Plus, less work for me. I am starting to get kind of stagnant with his food choices. His meals are usually applesauce for breakfast (no rice cereal even, we have been out for awhile, and I burnt the batch I made yesterday), squash for lunch, and chicken and apples for dinner. I mixed it up yesterday, tho (had to, we were out of the chicken!) and made him a batch of peas and a batch of chicken and potatoes. So, for a few days at least, he has some food. Then, I guess we will just throw him to the wolves.

He is kind of vocal, but not really using word-like sounds. I think he may have used a ma ma, sound, but not often enough for me to remember. But he loves to give kisses, always grasps the tiny hairs on the back of my neck when I pick him up, loves to jump and rock back and forth, laughs easily and often, and generally adores his big brother. I am so in love with this kid, it hurts. I miss him when I go to work, and love the fact that I have to walk by him to get to my room (messed up old house!). He still smells like a baby, and has soft skin and nice, soft little poops and I just can't get enough (not of the poops, the kid!).

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

My Dr. Seuss Life

Where's Rufus?
Where did he go?
Where could he be?
Is he under this shoe? Nope.
Is he in Parker's hair? Nope.
Is he in the hat? Nope.
There he is!
There is Rufus!

More again!
More please!

And that is the running commentary of my days right now. My sister made up this game, "Where's Rufus" with Jack about a month ago, and it has just exploded in popularity. I know I should delight in the game, because Jack's eyes just light up when you play along. He totally gets into it, going from room to room, picking up objects and asking over and over and over again if Rufus is in/on/under it. And his vocabulary has grown so much, too, as evidenced by how many places we now have to look for Rufus. I know I should delight in all of this, but I really don't. I can barely grin and bear it through one game now. It is just so repetitive. Albeit, so is most of my life right now, but I just have a hard time with these toddler games. The reading the same bloody book over and over again (and always the wordy ones. It is like he is trying to torture me). Always wanting to go outside when the dogs do. Wanting to watch Sesame Street or Pooh. And now, "Where's Rufus". *sigh*. Someday this will all be over, and I will miss this game. Right?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

You Know What Sucks?

When you were 3/4 of the way through a post about how frustrated and stressed out you are, and then you accidentally hit something, and *poof* it is gone. I love technology.