Thursday, March 23, 2006

Time Flies

I can't believe it has been a month since I updated. And here I was thinking I was being great and updating every week. Whoops.

This is officially the pregnancy from hell. Ok, ok, ok, I haven't had to go the the ER for bleeding or rehydration, no abnormal tests, blah blah blah. FOR ME THIS HAS BEEN THE PREGNANCY FROM HELL!! I am sitting on 15 weeks and still feel ill. Thankfully, the constant icky hungover feeling is gone, but the random gagging still abounds. Lovely. And the gassiness...comes to visit often enough for me to want to lock the door. I love the fact that no one reads this; I don't worry that someone is grossed out by what I have to say!

So, yeah, 15 weeks, down 12 pounds (well, I think 16 total, but 12 since I have been seeing the doc) and my next appt is next Friday. We go in April 20th for the ultrasound and am hoping that all is well and we can find out what we are having!! Might have to drink a jog of OJ for insurance. I haven't really felt the baby move, or nothing definitive yet. Due to the gassiness, I am reluctant to declare anything as baby at this point. Also, I have been taking a unisom everynight for a few months now and am sorta worried about that. I know it is safe and all....but still. Ultrasound will make me feel better.

I also wanted to update a bit on Charlie. His words, actually. He is a talking genius! On his list are:

Car ("CA" is heard many times a day)
Vrrooom (for car, does that count?)
Wheeeee (ok, does that count? it is SO cute)
Sock (harder to distinguish)
Elmo (he may say other characters, but I am not sure at this point)
Apple (OH SO CUTE, aaa-pause-pull....he is so funny!)

I know there are more, but it is hard to keep track!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

11 Weeks

Well, things are looking up around here. I actually made dinner last night; I attempted to clean out the fridge, but didn't get farther than the vegetable drawer before calling in reinforcements; the kids are down to arond 2 hours of TV a day (that is an improvement); I have taken myself off of my self-imposed bedrest (although I usually lie down when the kids do still).

Right now, I am leaning towards girl, just since I have so many different symptoms (the indigestion, the sickness!, some depression) than I had before (usually I was just really tired with the boys, oh, and Chad says that I was way bitchier). But, I AM tired, so I go back and forth. Whenever I picture it, I picture a boy. But I keep thinking girl. I have only had one dream, and it was a boy. Only about 9 weeks until we (hopefully!) know!

I am starting to get excited for spring. My mom comes home in spring (do I ever miss her and her constant need to see the boys!!) and I am anxious to get our backyard done! I have been trying to plan out what I want for a garden. I hope I have the energy for all this! I want to do the whole she-bang; grow from seed, build raised planters, all of it! Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew, so we will have to see.

The boys are doing well. Jack is so much fun, but very exasperating at the same time. He is constantly pushing Charlie and I just don't know how to get him to stop. The naughty chair helps, but it is mostly boredom. Hopefully some nice weather will come along and we can get outside! Charlie is well, talking and communicating his wants more. He is so loving, I can't hardly believe it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

10 weeks

I am really not sure when I am 10 weeks. I think it is tomorrow, but it is SO confusing.

First off, my morning sickness has pretty much flown the coop! YEAH! Of course, I am kind of scared that something has happened then. I have had a lot of indigestion which is something I am not very used to. We had tacos for dinner on Sunday night, and they kept repeating on me all night. So, I am very interested to see what we are having!!! Maybe it is all in my head, but this pregnancy feels so different, so I feel girl.

I haven't gained any weight, and have lost 3 -5 pounds, which of course I like! But I feel like I need to constantly eat right now, so not sure how long I can keep the weight off. I suppose light workouts would help; hopefully I can regain that stuff soon.

In other news, it was an eventful week last week for dear Charlie. He woke up from his nap with a fever, but no other symptoms, so I wanted to wait to see if anything surfaced before we drugged him. We gave him a bath and afterwards he was SO HOT, so I thought it was time for some Tylenol. Soon after, he fell over (it seemed like a lame fall) and was screaming, so I picked him up to soothe him. He quieted down, but went really limp in my arms. He was staring off into space and wouldn't respond to anything I said!! It was the scariest thing I have ever seen. I screamed for Chad, and we decided to take him to the ER (I thank God that we moved here, with a hospital less than 5 minutes away) rather than call 911 (not sure if that was the right choice, but it was right for us at the time). I really freaked out, and had to call my mom for some sort of reassurance that he would be ok. She calmed me down and said I should call someone to come over and watch Jack so I could be at the hospital (not sure what I would do without her!!). I called Chad's parents and they rushed over. In the meantime, Chad called, Charlie was responding and they were running some tests. He was kind of laughing at my hysterical-ness, but I can forgive him for that. Anyway, Chad's dad and I went over when they got to our house and Charlie was doing well. He was tired, had a fever still (it was 103 when they got there, and that was about 30 min after he had been given Tylenol) but otherwise was fine. His influenza and strep tests came back negative, and best the dr could tell was that he had a seizure (not the grand mall type, called fibermall or something) and the not responding part was the recovery from it. He said it is farily common in kids, 30% get them and it was most likely from the fever. They don't know what caused the fever, but by the next morning he was FINE. No fever, no residual effects, nothing. I really thought he was dead, and still have a hard time accepting what happened. This shouldn't be a problem for him, unless he starts seizing everytime he has a fever.

So, that is what we have been up to! Just more of the same, I guess.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Best of Intentions

Well, I wanted to post weekly updates. I am so inconsistent and it really bugs me.

I am 8 weeks pregnant (or will be tomorrow). I am sick as a dog. Well, sometimes. Like, today I wasn't but yesterday I was. Today, I had more problems with....regularity. That is all I am willing to say about that. Food bothers me. I tolerate pasta and crave fruit. Everything else can just go away. I have been taking B6 to help with the nausea, and instead of gagging many times a day (that is as far as the morning sickness has gone) I just feel blechy all day. I guess that is an upgrade.

I am also getting huge. Like, my pjs are diffing a line into my abdomen huge. And I have lost 2 pounds, so it isn't like I am gaining. I look about 6 months pregnant. It is great. Hahaha. I need to drag the maternity clothes up soon and go throught them. Joy.

My first appointment is tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. It is with the np, and I just am not a big fan of her. I am supposed to get an ultrasound, but with the uterus thing, I am guessing it will be a bust. Then I get to argue with her about letting me go straight to a transvaginal and skipping seeing her again.

Otherwise, we are fine. Jack's birthday party is on Saturday and I have a lot to do before then, none of it I am looking forward to. Charlie is so loving lately and I really like that. Jack is a pushing fanatic and was on the naughty chair twice by 10 AM (Charlie didn't wake up until 9). I am short on patience, but that isn't new.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Surgery

So, Jack had his hernia surgery on Saturday. I knew it wouldn't be a big deal (it was outpatient!) and that he would bounce back quickly, but I really wish someone had told me the WHOLE story!

First off, here were my main worries:
  1. The poor little guy would come out of surgery and go into a recovery room and I was worried that he would be scared without us.
  2. That he would be in pain for a few days afterwards and it would be heartbreaking.
  3. He couldn't eat or drink before, and since his first word every morning is "EAT", well, we thought it would be a loooooooong hour before surgery.
  4. Ok, yes, I was a little scared that something disasterous would happen and he would die. Took him to the park on Thur, just in case. Bought him lovely ice cream for his dessert (the night before), just in case. You see where I am going here.

Well, none of those came to fruition, which is wicked. We were there at 6:30 (plucked the little man out of the bed and threw him in the car), and he was great with everyone. Really sweet and charming the pants off of everyone. He read some books with Daddy, got his little wristband thingy, even Rufus got one, and then he took a Valium-like cocktail. He was so cute taking that; he wanted more. Tickled the nurse to no end, since apparently it is kind of bitter. He proceeded to get so funny, acting almost drunk-like. He sang some, drooled a bit, and continued to read books, just couldn't hold his head up. Shortly after the cocktail took effect, they came and whisked him away. But they were so great, because one of the nurses actually carried him. No stretchers, no walking (not sure he could have walked with all of the drugs) and no wheelchair. I went to the bathroom after they left, and I saw them turn a corner and heard them laughing at something he said. So I knew he was in good hands.

Now, keep in mind here, I am pregnant. Wish I wasn't, just for those hours, because I was very emotional! I cried in the car on the way and after they took Jack. Chad and I went to search for some food while he started surgery, and I stopped off in the beautiful chapel. It was stunning, they had these two floor to ceiling water fountains, which are what drew me in. I had a little weep for my guy, praying my guy would make it through ok, and I could see Chad looking for me, so I went out. Poor Chad, wondering how to deal with me! But the crying jag was over, and we had some food. We had a half an hour to wander around and then they wanted us back in the room.

We went back, I did a little Sudoku and listened to my iPod, Chad read the paper. Before we knew it, the surgeon came back to say he was done and it was great. Seriously, it was such a simple procedure that that was really all he had to say!!! A few minutes later came little Jack on a gurney. He started to cry when he realized we were there, and I gather that he had a little cry in the recovery room, too. Apparently that is pretty common with the anesthesia. Chad lifted him up and that is when Jack noticed the IV. Oh nelly, he hated that thing! We got some juice in him (between cries) and some cookies and crackers so that we could take it out. Poor kid pretty much cried and said "pull out, Daddy" the whole time.

The anesthesia wore off soon-ish after that and we could go home! Jack was back to normal, he just couldn't stand or walk because of the anesthesia they put in that works like an epidural (no idea what they called it). We got in the car, and he said he wanted to go to Grandpa's (I think he was jealous that Charlie was hogging them to himself) and didn't want to go to the new house, so we went to my ILs house. Jack kept trying to walk while we were there, and still couldn't very well. A couple times he fell over because of it, but he was FINE otherwise. No pain, not tire, NOTHING.

We left their house around 11:30. Got home, had some lunch, and they took a nap. Charlie napped for 3 hours, Jack just an hour and a half!!! He watched some movies, but seemed fine (he walked fine by then). Maya and Ryan and the kids stopped by around 3:30, and he spent an hour or two running around with his cousins!!!!! I am serious, it was so shocking! You wouldn't have known he had just had surgery.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Here We Go Again

Well, I am pregnant. I am shocked, and not shocked at the same time. My first inclinations were when I was feeling nauseous and when I had to get up and pee at 4 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning. I was 5 days late (that is, if I have regular 28 day cycles, which I don't even know anymore!!!) and I thought it was time to take a test (this was Sunday). I have to admit that I wanted it to be negative. I wanted one more month to lose some weight, get into the groove and be ready. But that was not to be, and I am totally fine with it now.

As it stands, I have a due date of 9/14. That will probably change 100 times, because that seems like the way it goes. Part of me wants to have it on Chad's bday, the 12th, but the other part of me wants a Libra baby, so wait until the 20th/21st. Oh well, once again, not up to me!!!

As far as symptoms, there is the nausea. I had it with Jack, and was sick twice, I think. I just never felt like eating with Charlie. So far, no puking this time around. Also, I am not nearly as tired as I was with Jack or Charlie. I am staying up really late, not napping and have a ton of energy! I am shocked. With as much organizing and exercising I have been doing around here, you would think I was into the nesting phase. I hope I can keep the exercising up through the pregnancy, because I am 20 lbs up from Jack and I don't want to get out of hand. I have been working hard the past few months and I don't want to start back where I was after I had Charlie.

I have told my mom and sister so far, no one else. Chad isn't really ready, and neither am I, to be honest. We still have the other house and not a whole lot of money, and frankly, I don't want to be judged. I wanted to wait and tell my parents when we were out there in 2 weeks, but they booked a cruise for Sept 23rd! I felt I had better tell them, in case they wanted to change it. So, I blurted it out. Lin told me that she is really happy, that she wants a girl (who doesn't around here!). And we did this string test thing a few months ago that said I would have 2 boys and a girl. We shall see; more things I have no control over.

I told Lin yesterday. I put a shirt on Charlie (I made it with an iron on transfer!) that said "My Mommy is going to have a baby!". I kind of had to point it out to her!! She read it, laughed, then looked at me and said "WHAT?". See, it is funny, she had just asked me on Friday or so if I was pregnant. No idea why, but she did. I said no, because I didn't know yet, so she was suprised when I told her I was a few days later! hahahaha. Poor kid. Anyway, she is excited too, I think. It is hard to know. I think we may tell Chad's parents on Friday. They are watching Charlie while Jack has his surgery on Sat am. Good times, good times.

I am 4 weeks, 5 days pregnant!