Tuesday, June 28, 2005

If Today Were Your Last

I have been thinking for a week about this subject. I think about it often, in fact. I am totally going to paraphrase all of this part here, since I don't know how to link. But, on one of the blogs I read, this person linked to a recent graduation speech given by Apple's big dude, Steve Jobs. In it, he said something about living each day as if it could be your last. No wait. More like, at the end of the day, take stock. If it was to be your last day, would you be happy about it? Was it a good day? And he said that when he gets a few in a row where he says no to those questions, he makes a change. I found this profound.

Now, granted, he has bajillions of dollars, and can do things like that. Change on a whim, I mean. But I really like his premise. And far from needing/wanting to change my life, I am finding that I am appreciating it more and trying to enjoy moments more, instead of just working for the weekend. For me, it is fairly easy to start these kinds of things, but usually after a couple of days, it all fades away and I start to try to fast forward my life. But so far, this is really haunting me (in a good way).

Take today, for example. An absolutely nothing really special day, but a good one nonetheless. We are having some diaper rash problems as of late (the boys, of course, not me!) and so there is some harriness as a result. The boys spent half the day diaper and short-less, just to try and air them out. But it was really cute! I don't know, maybe it is a Mom thing, or maybe just a me thing, but I got a kick out of it.

It has also been one of the few days where we didn't run off somewhere. In typical Jack fashion, around 9 am he said "Store?". I told him no, that we were staying at home today. Poor little guy, I guess he just likes to get out and about.

Charlie didn't take an afternoon nap, what with the butt problem and an impending tooth, but he wasn't really fussy, he was quite adorable. I played a little game with him, where I would put a leggo on his head, and it would fall off and he laughed, rinse, lather, repeat. It was so cute, and if I wasn't fast enough, he would try to do it himself. I love those little moments with him.

And Jack took a bath with minimal screaming. M&Ms really are magical.

Chad is playing golf tonight, so I get a little time to myself. Probably will spend it watching HGTV, rather than anything productive, but hey, it is me time.

So, like I said, nothing spectacular, or even out of the ordinary. But I guess that is what makes it a good day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

What Was I Thinking?

When we put the house up for sale, we shipped our dogs off to my parents' house. We didn't want to have to maneuver 2 kids, 2 adults AND 2 dogs when/if there were showings. But, a few weeks into this, I am wondering if it wouldn't have been easier with the dogs.

You see, they are vacuum cleaners, or at least mine are. I think a dog is crucial, starting about when your first born can eat table food. Jack never caught on to sign language, but our dogs sure did. I would sign "Food" and they would go running over to his highchair. I guess you can teach old dogs new tricks.

Now that they are gone, I am really missing those times. Especially today. We had chicken rice for lunch (and other things; I do try to get a balanced meal in 'em!) and Charlie got it everywhere. I am not sure how, but he did. Jack's tray looked fairly clean, so I was very impressed at his abilities, but then I took it off, and noticed that a large portion was on his lap.

So, what to do? The dustbuster scares them (ok, we don't own one, but the vacuum does, so I imagine that would, too), the dogs are gone....so I just shake them off a bit. Let all of the food fall to the floor. Naptime is just around the corner, so I will vacuum then. And keep them out of the dining room so I don't have to vacuum the entire house!!!!!!

Ugh, I wish someone would just buy this house already.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Something to Remember

Today was one of those days that I dreamt about when I pictured my life as a stay-at-home Mom. It was only a couple of hours that were completely picturesque, I was still frustrated with the whining this morning, but the afternoon made up for that and more.

My sister and her friend stopped by during naptime. In total Charlie fashion, he awoke soon after they arrived, but he was in a good mood. Jack woke up just as they were leaving, about an hour sooner than he usually did. The weather was gorgeous, 80 degrees, sunny and a little bit muggy. Perfect sprinkler weather, I thought. So I got the kids into their swimsuits, lubed up with sunblock (those two alone were huge jobs!) and got everything set up outside. I even remembered the camera and video camera.

Anyway, the kids really liked the sprinkler. I got the first couple of minutes of Jack discovering it. He kept running near it (of course not IN IT) and yelling "it tickles!!!". It was so cute and so funny. He was running around like a madman. Charlie was off in his own world, so I brought him over and sat him nearby. Just like my little man, he crawled over the the sprinkler and stuck his hand in, unafraid. So different are my little dudes. Charlie was often sprayed by the sprinkler and didn't seem to mind, but did crawl away. Meanwhile, Jack kept getting the tiniest bit braver with each run through, and his hair was wet and he was laughing and so sweet. It was so wonderful.

My next bright idea was to get the kiddy pool. Ours is nice because it is smaller than most, so it is so easy to maneuver. I filled it with an inch or two of water, and Jack hopped right in. He kept calling it a tub, and would call it a pool once in awhile. Charlie didn't want to sit in it, it was too cold, but he was totally happy to sit and splash from the side. Jack was wearing his water shoes, so he had great traction, which he used to jump and splash all over. At one point, he kept sticking his face in and taking a drink. Everytime, it would take his breath away, but he never cried or got upset, no matter how much of his head he stuck in. He was so cute, they both were.

Other little fun things were: Charlie climbed the steps (ok, not fun, per se, since they are concrete, but that was his first stairclimbing activity EVER), we found a worm and watched it burrow back into some soil (Jack even left it alone!!!), they ate ice pops (whatever those tube things are with flavored water inside) and loved it. It was only 2 hours before we came back in, but it was lovely. I even got some sun and reading in for myself. Lovely day.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Wow, I hadn't realized that it had been so long since I last posted. I guess time just gets away from you when you are consumed with 1) house selling 2) house building and 3) kiddies.

Let me elaborate:
1) This house has been on the market for two weeks (today). We have had 9 or 10 showings, 7 or 8 of which was the first week. Yup, definite drop-off. So, we have been busy running around doing little things to see if it won't catch SOMEONE's eye. (and to think I was nervous that someone would buy it on the first showing. HA!). We put carpet in Charlie's room (his hardwood floors were horrible), painted our once red dining room to a boring taupe, striped and re-stained some trim, and other little odd bits here and there. I guess the next move is to drop the price.

2) New house is going Grrrrrrrreat! The started framing already! We were there the Friday of Memorial Day weekend, and the basement was framed and the floor joists were on!!!! That was almost 1 week ahead of when they were supposed to start all of that! Yipppeee! So, of course, we went back last Friday, and the whole main level was up and framed, the concrete for the garage was poured, and they had one lonely wall on the upper level up. It was quite a lovely sight.

3) My kiddies are good, grating on my nerves, but good. Charlie is pulling himself up a lot (mostly on the stairs; I wonder why he prefers them?), babbling like a fool and just generally fun (when he isn't whining about being hungry or filling his pants). I can't believe that he will be a year old next month. Nor how much our lives have changed! Jack is good as well. He is such a little person. You can carry on conversations with him, he knows so much and is really a good kid (except around naptime). I do wish he preferred me to his Granny, but I suppose the fact that I don't allow M&Ms into his body would naturally give the arrow to her. Oh well.

So that is about it from here. Plugging along and all that.