Sunday, April 24, 2005

On the Move

Well, it seems my late bloomer is moving up in the ranks. On Thursday, when we saw the doc for his 9 month update, I expressed a wee bit of concern because Charlie was yet to crawl, and all of the email updates have moved past crawling, to pulling themselves up and other fun things. Now, I wasn't overly worried, because it is nice to not have a mobile baby. Conversely, the kiddo is frustrated, and he is so close, I would rather he just get on with it.

Friday we dropped them both off at my mom and dad's house, so that we could get some stuff done to the house. Charlie has taken a crawl or two, but he never seemed to realize that he was doing it. By Saturday afternoon, he was a pro. I just knew he would do this when I wasn't around! Plus, as an added bonus, he was pulling himself up! Little guy was a busy dude at Granny and Geido's!

So, all is well. Except for the heart thing. I am really ok with it. I know how common it is, blah blah blah, but there is a piece of me that can't help worrying about it. Like, Thursday afternoon he took the longest nap ever, and I thought he had died. Because of the heart murmur. Yes, I really am that dramatic.

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