Thursday, September 30, 2004

Sleepless in St. Paul

Jack has always been a great sleeper. When he was a newborn, he slept wherever we put him, didn't matter location, noise or temperature. He napped great, he slept great at night, except it took him a long time to sleep through the night. Up until now, he has still been taking two naps a day, for around an hour, hour and a half each.

It seems that he is now ready to drop one of those naps. It is hard to know, though! One day he seems ok without it (he does go to bed for the night earlier, though) and the next he seems to need two. But it is starting to be more and more frequent that the afternoon nap does not take place. These are the days I have been dreading!

He went to Grandma and Grandpa's last night, since it was my birthday and Chad and I went out, and they didn't put him down until 8:30! And he didn't have an afternoon nap. Well, Jack always goes down about 7 (not our rule - his!) and without that nap, about 6 or 6:30. It doesn't matter what time he goes to sleep, either, he is always up at 6. So, two hours less sleep last night, and he was ready for his morning nap at 8 this morning (about an hour earlier than normal). He got up about 10, and seemed ready for more sleep a little after noon! So, put him down, but 45 minutes he was still up. So we ran to the store, came home about 1:30, he seemed tired, so tried again. Of course he pooped (the kid LOVES pooping and delaying his naps, I swear) and so I changed him about 2:30, and put him BACK DOWN. He is still up. UGH! I have decided I will give him 5 more minutes (not sure why I bother; I can hear him playing in there) and that will be it. Oh well, that time was nice while it lasted.

Whatever the outcome is, I am still going to give him some "quiet time" every afternoon about 2 for an hour or so. Even if he never sleeps, it kind of revives him nicely. And gives me a break. With winter coming, and therefore no access to the backyard, I will need it!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Ode to my Hubs

My husband is convinced that I started this blog to be able to bitch and moan about him any time I want. Just because I mentioned to him that I started one, and I would rather he didn't read it. I was excited, and so I told him, but then I remembered that I didn't want anyone I know to know about I asked him not to read it. I suppose I would feel subconscious, too. But that is not why I started this, which I believe I have already stated...maybe I should let him read this!

So, one of my all-time favorite blogs is written by this woman, Julia, who lives near where I do (which makes me think I know her, but I am fairly certain I don't...She is too cool). In a recent post of hers, she wrote 23 things about her husband, and I think it is one of the most romantic things I have every read. So, in honor of my husband, who HAS been driving me nuts lately, and in case he breaks down and reads this soon (love you, honey), here are 13 things I love about him (that is how many I could get to before Jack woke up).

1. He finds me attractive. I am flabby after these two babies, and wasn't so hot before. Many times he comes home, and I haven't combed my hair, much less dressed nice. And yet the man still wants me. I have huge body issues, so for me, this is a big one.

2. He is a sports nerd. Sometimes it annoys me, but I also really like it. I love how he and his dad would camp together (with another father-son combo) and at night they would concoct the perfect baseball team, using players from the Twins over the years. Or name players for every letter of the alphabet. So cute.

3. He really is a good Daddy. He may not remember to pack a diaper bag, or what to feed him for dinner, but he loves his kids. Watching him and Jack play together is really sweet. And I know Jack adores him, since he "calls" him on the phone ALL DAY LONG.

4. He takes care of things. The trash and recycling, the cars, the lawn...These are things I never give one thought too, thanks to him. The bills are also his domain, but they should really be mine. He ain't so great with them, but hey, he tries.

5. He was ready for a minivan before I was. How many other women my age can say that?

6. He has a nice body. Not super built or anything, but I do like watching him get ready for bed!

7. He is very outgoing. I love that I can take him to a party and never worry about him. When my grandfather died earlier this year, he talked more to my cousins than I did!

8. He is asks me how I want his hair cut before he goes. It sometimes annoys me when he disagrees (then why ask?) but I like that he asks. He does it when we are getting ready to go somewhere, too. He likes to dress in what I like.

9. He is pretty easily cajoled out of a bad mood.

10. He moved abroad with me, even though he didn't want to. And he finally realized how much he loved it there before he left.

11. He puts up with a LOT of shit from me.

12. He likes to bring me flowers, and I like to receive them.

13. He is very handy and willing to try things himself. Admittedly, it scares him to do DIY projects himself, but to his credit, he has done it, and done them well.

Well, sort of lame, but I like to think of these things now and then. Now, if the man would just throw some more romance in, he would be golden. But I will keep him anyway.

Friday, September 24, 2004


I have always thought that a girl needs a sister more than a boy needs a brother. Therefore, I always planned on having a boy (first) and two girls. Growing up, I always wished I had had an older brother, and my sister is my best friend, so it all made sense.

Now I have 2 boys and no idea what will happen!

My husband is reluctant to have a third (who thinks of having another so soon after having a baby? ME!) but is willing to discuss it. I have always wanted three children, so my mind is set. I would, however, like them to be not as close together as Jack and Charlie.

I am so in love with Charlie. Things are really evening out with him, and he is such a good baby. Just so sweet and a little quiet, I think. Rarely cries. Just a little love and I wouldn't trade him in for the most wonderful girl in the world. But there is a part of me that mourns my perfect family. I may never have a daughter. Even if I do, she will very, very, very likely never have a sister. I might never have the sort of relationship with my daughter that I have with my mother. Then again, I wouldn't have to live the hormone hell that is teenage years with a girl!

I just fear that these boys I have will up and marry and leave me high and dry. My husband is very close to his family, but closest to his dad. His mom calls, and he makes faces and can barely stand to talk to her (well, that might be a tad exaggerated, but he can't stand the smalltalk with her). He isn't very close to his brother, but not distant, either. We just don't do much with them (they live about 15 minutes away) even though their kids are young, too. He and his brother are 4 years apart, and I think part of it is that, and they are just so different. Since there are no boys in my family (except for Dad, of course), I see his family as how ours will turn out. The boys being really close to Chad, but annoyed by me. Spending more time with the in-laws than us (part of the reason for that is because I am home all day, and my parents are retired, so the boys and I see them a lot. Chad's parents both work, and frankly, I don't speak to them 7 times a day!). Spending time with us out of familial obligation, not desire. Ok, this isn't entirely true. My in-laws are great people. I especially love my father-in-law. They are all very nice. My mother-in-law just tends to use guilt sometimes to get us to do things, and that rubs me the wrong way. And, like I said, she kind of annoys my husband.

I guess I just want the relationship with my offspring like I have with my family. I talk to my Mom and sister basically everyday, sometimes more (have already talked to Mom three times and sis two, and will be seeing sis later this evening). I want to be a part of their lives. I don't want to force myself into their lives. I want them to enjoy spending time with us. I want to be really close to my grandkids (to be fair, my in-laws are very close to the boys, too. My father-in-law works from home, so he often comes in the afternoon, picks up Jack and brings him to their house).

There is also a small part of me looking forward to three boys. I have already picked out a name (Chad won't discuss names with me in my 2nd trimester, so I haven't brought them up to him yet) Nicholas James, (Nick) or maybe James Patrick (Jamie). I love both. I see the three of them, growing up together, being sweet boys to their mom. Treating me so sweet, and Chad and the boys doing things together. I imagine them just towering over me, and protective. And then I would hope for granddaughters!

I know I can't control how any of this turns out. I sometimes think I am better suited to boys than girls, anyway. But like I said, there is a little part of me that mourns the family I always dreamt of having. I just must have too much time on my hands to obsess about this.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

The Park

When we bought this house, I was SO excited that there was a park down a block and across the street. "We will never have to buy playground equipment!" I said. I pictured me and my girls (this was before kids, and I always pictured having girls) going there everyday.

I think we have gone 3 times in 2 years.

Last year, Jack was too young. Then this year, part of the problem was that I was hugely pregnant the first half of this summer, and then had a newborn the second half. I feel like we are just getting into the swing of things right now.

So, my cousin-in-law and her 10 month-old son, Jake, came over today (everyone I know has boys) and I suggested we go to the park. It was a nice day, and there will not be a whole lot of those left up here in the tundra. Off we went, and luckily, the park wasn't very busy. It has a toddler area and a bigger kid area, and usually both are packed, but today the toddler area was pretty calm. So the boys (Jack and Jake; Charlie hung out in the baby bjorn and I forgot a hat for him, by the way, so was trying to hold up my hand to block the sun---the difference between the first and second kid!) went in the swings, and then Jack just ran around while Jake tried to put rock after rock in his mouth. Jack really enjoys older kids right now, and so he would run his cute little high-stepping run, then stop and gape at the kids, then run some more. The boy doesn't actually play at the park, but at least his screaming doesn't sound as shrill as it does at home. They explored the little tunnel, and Jack even held some sweet girl's hand (which is a nice change from all the shoving he was doing at our last playdate). Things were going well.

The boys seemed to be slowing down, so I suggested we walk back to our house. I chase after Jack, who had started his high-stepping routine again and bring him over to the stroller (all the while with Charlie in the baby bjorn, remember). Jack starts to throw a fit. Screaming (not in fun now, but in tantrum mode) and throwing himself back so that he can't sit in the stroller. Fine, I think, he can just walk with us. I ask him to take my hand, but nope, he throws himself to the ground, still screaming. Ugh. I was sweating already, but I am sure my face was red (I embarrass SO easily). Finally, I just pick him up and we start walking, him still SCREAMING. We get several yards, and I try the stroller again (it was just too much holding him and Charlie there). No go. Finally, with Megan's (cousin-in-law) help we just held him down, strapped the poor kid in and almost ran away. I didn't look back, and I am sure no one was thinking we were cruel or anything, but STILL. I just hate those fits.

By the way, Jack half cried/half screamed the whole way home.

Ah, these are the days.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Cast of Characters

Well, since we are still getting to know each other (I like to pretend I have a huge following already), I feel as if I should introduce my dudes.

First off, there is Jack. Actually, his given name is John, but we call him Jack, and by the way, there is no way we would ever do that again! He is 19 months old and just as sweet as can be. Walking, running, screaming...All of those great toddler activities. He has just moved into that stage where he likes to copy whatever an adult is doing. Now THAT is cute! If I am putting on make-up, he pretends along with me(I don't put any on my forehead, but hey, he is still mastering his skills). And mimicking words we use...It was a special day when he repeated my cry of "Shit!" over and over and over. For the most part, I am really enjoying him. Part of me wishes we had waited longer to have another child, so that I could have had more time just me and him. But not much I can do about that now!

Up next is Charlie, the newest member to this land. He is two months old, and we are still figuring out who he is. He seems to be a happy baby, loves to be held, smiley and cooing, but I think he might be more serious than Jack. I know, hard to tell already, but it is a feeling I have, and have had since early on. His hair is just starting to grow in (he was born with hair just around his head, like the guys with bad comb overs) and it is dark! I had assumed he would be a lookalike to his big bro, but that is not the case. I guess there really wasn't any leftover DNA in the womb from Jack's stay.

And then my husband, Chad. He works for a very large private company in their IT department. He is a good husband, very devoted and loyal, hard-working. My mother thinks he is the bees knees. I wouldn't go quite that far, but he is swell. We have been married for just over 4 years now, and marriage really isn't what I thought it would be. Lots of times, I feel way too young and inexperienced to be married. But I also feel like Chad and I have been together forever, and we are happy together. Not every second (nor minute, for that matter), but in general. It has been rough, me being pregnant so much of the last two years, and being thrown into babyland. But we should be hitting our stride soon so I am not worried. Besides, marriage is all about the peaks and valleys, right?

We also have two dogs, Parker and Sadie. Parker is a Shih Tzu, and Sadie is half that, half Pomeranian. Unfortunately, the Pomeranian is dominant in her. She licks SO much! But they are good dogs, and quite good with Jack (less so when he was a baby, and now Charlie too. They run over them in their desire for attention). They put up with Jack's pulling and torture pretty well. There has been some growling and little snaps, but I know if they haven't bit him yet, they probably won't. And they love to go into his room after he is asleep, and cuddle up in bed with him. I am waiting until he stops tugging on them to leave them in all night.

So, that is my motley crew. I always thought I would have more chicks than dudes, to be honest. This sons thing is catching me off guard, but the more I do it, the more I wonder if maybe I am cut out for these guys rather than some gals. My mood swings are bad enough, I can't imagine a mini me!

Monday, September 20, 2004

In the Beginning

After much hemming and hawing, I have decided to embark on my own blog. The journey started for me with reading pregnancy journals, and then I moved onto infertility blogs, and now here! I know, you are probably thinking that I am not infertile (you would be correct), but my interest in their plight is too deep for me to explain right now, suffice it to say, they started me thinking of having my own blog. I wanted somewhere to report and reflect on the life I am living with my sons. A place where I can share in Jack's newest accomplishment or Charlie's newest achievement. Besides picking up the phone and calling my mom, that is. Somewhere where I will look back and remember the little things. I could have just written a journal in a book, I suppose, but being a semi-tech geek (I married a bonafide one), this really appealed to me.

Unfortunately it is nap time, so I don't have anything exciting to report right now (besides the amazing fact that Charlie is asleep). And I don't want to write everything about me in one big post and save nothing for later, so I shall just wrap this one up. OH, and just in time. I hear the not-so-faint rumblings on my first born.