Friday, November 19, 2004

Friday is the Worst Day of the Week

Weird, huh? Most everyone looks forward to Friday. There is a restaurant named after how much people look forward to the day. People celebrate and start their weekend off on Friday. I hate Friday.

Ok, so I do look forward to Friday, just because it usually leads to 2 days where I am not left alone with my wonderful kiddies. Many a Thursday I can be found thinking "Wow, tomorrow is Friday!" But on the actual day, I end up hating Friday.

They are always hard. I seem to wake up, counting the hours until my husband comes home. Even if Jack takes a great nap (like today), or Charlie is wonderfully behaved (not so much today) it still wears me out. The amount of TV Jack watches grows throughout the week, and Friday just seems ridiculously filled with TV to get me (I mean us) through the day. I rarely make dinner, and I am not even sure if we do take-out to supplement. I feel like a deflated balloon by the time my equally deflated husband gets home.

Today seems like the worst Friday in history. It is raining, which means Jack wasn't outside as much as he normally is (I guess this is just prepping me for winter). Charlie is being weird, really fussy and not into any sort of nursing, which makes me wonder what is going on inside him. And Chad came home sick. Poor guy, he has been working his heart out this week, and he finally wore himself out. And I so badly just wanted to let him be sick and lay around (which is something I rarely get when I am sick, btw) but I am fading fast and it is getting hard to do. It is almost 5, so with a little luck, only 2 hours until the kids go down and I can breathe again.

Let's just do away with Friday, ok?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

4 Months Old

Yup, that's right, our Chuckster is now 4 months old and all baby. Everything seems so bittersweet with him right now. I am not sure we will have another (I really want to, but don't want to alienate my husband) and everything seems to go so fast. Ah, but I just remind myself that these are the good days. Charlie can't move yet, he smiles a lot, has a definite sleep rhythm down, eats great but isn't on solids and is just a wonderful baby! No teething, no crawling or walking and getting into stuff, no screaming tantrums, no yelling "NO!"....All of those wonderful things are to come. I think right now is really as good as it gets.

So, as with the 4 month old milestone, a trip to see the doctor (or NP in this case) was called for. He is 16 lbs, 12 oz, 26 inches long, which means new carseat is needed! He will move into Jack's convertible one, and we will buy a Toddler Booster thingy. Anyway, the NP was quite pleased with dear Charlie. He was his charming self, which always helps. She gave me some tips on getting him to sleep through the night (for at 16 lbs, he should be able to by now, which means I will be moving him out of our room soon....*sob*!) and we talked about solids. She thinks that he will be ready about 5 1/2 months or so, and we should start right before his next appointment, basically, which works great with what I was looking for. I am worried about allergies, since Chad has them, and I am in no hurry like I was with Mr. Jack. She thought that he should be ready to roll over any day now, and just increase his tummy time a bit to encourage it, so that is good. All in all, good appointment. A few jabs in poor guy's little thighs and we were out of there. And he has been sleeping much of the day, which really cinches things for me! If only time could freeze, just for awhile.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Belly Envy

I had a bout of pregnancy envy the other day. I saw a picture of a very pregnant woman, and I felt a pang. Now, first you must understand this; I did not so much enjoy my last pregnancy. It had happened so much earlier than we had planned, and I was just getting back into my clothes, and I wasn't ready for all of the giving up stuff for the baby. But hey, what can you do? Since I wasn't really into being pregnant, the fact that I was feeling this jealousy was weird to me. I must be getting far enough away from the pregnancy (and life with a newborn!) where I wanted to be there again. And I am so hoping that we will have one more child. So I can feel that all again, for the last time.

Speaking of pregnancy, my newly pregnant friend, Denise, had her first appointment today. She lost her last baby (who was due 2 weeks after Charlie) and is obviously skittish about this one. All looks good, they saw the heartbeat on the ultrasound and she is measuring 6 weeks, 2 days. I am so happy for her, I am just over the moon. I really want everything to be ok with this baby and for her and her family. She is a fabulous person (besides that fact that she has a great name!).

Monday, November 08, 2004

It All Goes By So Fast

Charlie will be 4 months old on Saturday. Jack will be 2 in January. Where has it all gone?

I can barely remember Jack as a baby. I can remember certain events, so most of my memories of him then center around them. Like, my aunt died when he was just a month old, so we flew out for the memorial service. I remember being on the plan with him, all paranoid about the change of altitude and his screaming, and he was great. I also remember going to visit my family in Ohio with him when he was 10 weeks old, and it was kind of stressful, especially since he wasn't a great nurser, but generally ok. I remember the first time we were on our houseboat, and he was trying to crawl in the back bedroom area. So you see, it is almost like all of his milestones are little photographs or short films in my mind.

I wonder how that will be with Charlie. I remember the night that Chad went to his 10 year high school reunion, and Charlie screamed all night. He was about a month old and I almost had to throw him out the window because I was so distraught (ok, not really, throwing them out the window is what I say, I couldn't actually do it). His baptism and how sweet he was. Him sleeping in our bed (I love seeing him sleep there).

How do people ever handle their kids growing up? I am not even 2 years into this parenting biz, and it is killing me!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


It is all about the milestones at this age, isn't it? Especially for Charlie, but a little bit for Jack as well. Charlie's new milestone is grabbing at things. Last night, as I lay in bed nursing him (it seemed like the hundredth time he had been up that night) I wasn't sure if I should roll over and give him the other gland, when he grabbed for it! It was kind of funny, but mostly incredible! Just when you think they are little blobs still, they do something to surprise you. And he is trying so hard to roll over! It is pretty sweet. I am not sure if he wants to roll over or just rub his stuffed nose or tired eyes on something. Poor little guy (actually, both little guys) are stuffy right now. I really hope it isn't allergies!

As for Jack's milestones, it is mostly talking right now. We are all about the colors. It amazes me what words kids like to say. My friend's son, Ian, is all about the animals. And he was one of the first of our little group (Nolan, turned two last month, then Jack, then Ian whose birthday is in April, then Sanna [her and her mom flit in and out, though) whose birthday is July, then Charlie, now little Maya and Denise's bug due in July) who did the repeating thing. You know, when you say a word, and they repeat it. Of course all kids do it at some point, but Ian was the first to do it for almost everything, and Jack hit that point about a week or two ago. So, Ian was about the animals, and Jack has been more about concrete things, like numbers and colors. His favorite colors right now are yellow ("lel-low" followed by a "YEAH!" since we always say yeah when he is right) and purple ("pah-pah"). Red is always his first guess when you ask him what color something is, and he always argues that orange is yellow. He still loves the counting, which is cute. And he is saying people's names like crazy. He adores his cousin, Marco ("Car-co") and followed him around like a groupie on Halloween. And he is starting to read books. Ok, not really read, but the ones that rhymes that he likes to hear a lot, he is reading to himself now, and imitating the inflections in the voice. One particular is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See".

I guess when you write it down, it does seem like Jack's milestones right now are more than Charlie's. But Jack has an 18 month head start on Charlie, so he is fast and furious right now with new things, while poor Chuck is just trying to get out of the gate. Jack is working on expanding his milestones (and I am working on getting him to expand his use of the word "please"!) whereas Charlie's milestones are huge and earth shattering right now. Both are different, both are exciting, and both are happening right before my very eyes. It is just amazing.