Friday, January 14, 2005

And now for Jack

Here are the things that Jack are doing right now:

  • Trying to figure out what he is saying sometimes is like putting together a puzzle! "Side" is outside. "Gigi" is Granny. Parker is "gar-ker" and Sadie is "day-di". More is his catch-all right now, for down, for up, for anything that he wants. More seems to get it done fast.
  • He has the happiest little run. When he is happy, he runs fast and does this high-stepping manouver that is so funny and so cute. People openly smile and tell their companions how sweet he is. I never tire of seeing it.
  • He loves Sesame Street, and letting us know who is on it. It is cool to see he is picking things up.
  • If the mood strikes him, he will sometimes give you an unsolicitated kiss. It is so sweet.
  • When you put him to bed (whether it is for a nap or for the night) he will say "Mommy, Daddy, Jack, Charlie"....that is in reference to the prayers that Chad says with him every night.
  • He loves to dance and is really liking singing, too.
  • He is wild about water, whether it is a pool or the faucet or the dog's bowl.
  • He loves animals, dogs in particular. He is known to abandon people and playing to talk to a kenneled up dog.
  • He will eat anything that someone else is eating. And he is a carb-o-holic. He is nutty about bread. We actually call him a food nazi, because inevitably, if you are eating, he wants it and does not take no for an answer.
  • He loves to count, and oftentimes out of the blue will say "one" and that is your cue to count with him.
  • He has just started taking people by the hand (or pant leg as the case may be) and leading them where he wants them.
  • His favorite foods are apples and bananas. He will eat and entire bunch of bananas a day if I let him.

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