Thursday, February 24, 2005

Working Girl

Well, I started my new job last night. Let me just preface this by saying, this is no rocket science job, and that is OK. It is part of the reason why I applied for it. Something easy to get myself back into working, something not very stressful so that I am not dreading going (although stress doesn't mean that won't happen), just something to make some money now. I am also keeping my eye open for something that pays better and will be closer to the new house. But for now, this will work just fine.

Now, when I had the interview (ha, if you could call it that; they had me wait 30 min, and the interview lasted 15, most of which was questions I asked!!!), I kind of got what this would be. It was 4:30, so most of the real office people (instead of us night phone people) were there. One guy, who I am wondering thinking might be one of the founders, or is at least up there (ok, also isn't saying much, since it is maybe an office of 30, but STILL) was wearing a kind of ratty sweatshirt and kind of ratty jeans. Hmm, kind of taking casual Friday seriously, hey? The interviewer was younger than I am (sadly, I am sure that is getting more and more common) but yet never offered me a drink or to even take my COAT OFF. They offered me the job on the spot and then told me that training would be Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Then she said something like "If that doesn't work for you or if you change your mind about this job, just let me know". OKKKKK, am guessing oftentimes that happens then.

So, over the weekend, as we were trying to figure stuff out about the house and talking to people, and telling them about my employment, Chad would say "she is way over-qualified". I kind of laughed at that statement, because who really knows? Sure, a panda could do interviews over the phone with a script, but all I have been doing for 2 years is wiping bums and playing paddy-cake. How can I be qualified for anything anymore?

Wednesday rolls around and I show up for the training. The room was filled! 15 people there were; I felt slightly less special. The first hour and a half of the training was reading from the manual. Shoot me now, please. Then a break (I wish I had brought a book), then we read over the current project they are doing. Oh, and we filled out our schedule for the rest of February and March. How many people do you think asked what the hours were on Saturday? I lost track after 5. Several of them were minutes right after the other. There were slightly less questions about Sundays (the only day we are required to work on the weekend, by the way), but there were still repeats. One guy didn't have 2 forms of ID (he was going to call his mom to see if she had his birth certificate. He looked at least 45, by the way). There was even one guy who looked about 65! And dudes outnumbered the women (not something that I would think I would find in a phone job). When we read through the script, many people had problems -- skipping words or adding words in or mispronouncing words. Granted, it could have been nerves, since we all didn't know each other, and after 3 hours and a 15 minute break we were supposed to perform. And at the end, one of the 2 ladies in charge said to me "I am not sure how long you will have to be here tomorrow night, since we ran through everything but the [software program]" which is fine by me.

All in all, this job will be fine. The people, both of the supervisors and the new hires, seemed really nice, and I think they would be good to work with. I am sorry if I act like I am above all of this, because I don't really feel that way. I guess it wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but why does that even matter? I do now think I am over-qualified for the job, but that isn't here nor there. I took it for the hours and the flexibility; for my family and for this house. We are on probation for 200 hours, and I swear, though, if I am fired and no one else is, I will wonder.

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