Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I Need More TIME!

Things are reaching a fevered pitch around here. The month of May is pretty sucky, to be honest. We are (hopefully) putting the house on the market on Monday, but I think it will be more realistically Friday or something. We neglected our own mothers on Mother's Day, to get the house done, and spent half the day sorting out my missing wallet. Wallet never turned up, so now I am without a bank account, access to money, credit cards OR a driver's license for 7 - 10 business days. Like I needed this. House is still a bloody disaster, boxes and tools and projects to be finished everywhere. We really only have 1) the floor in the half bath 2) little bit of molding in the staircase 3) switch a couple rooms around and 4) cleaning left, but we have had that since Sunday, and here we are on Wednesday. Most of the problem has been that I worked Monday night, Chad had a job last night, and now I work tonight and tomorrow night. Friday is our 5 year anniversary, and I selfishly want to celebrate it, so we are going to a hotel and other things for the night. Saturday night we have to do make-up Mother's Day with Chad's family, and Sunday morning make-up Mother's Day with mine, and then I work again on Sunday night. Oh, and Monday night. So, do you see where this is going?!?!?!?!?! Ugh.

I am trying, really trying to do my part, but it is hard with an almost-10-month-old with separation anxiety. The kind of separation anxiety that doesn't allow me to paint the bathroom with him sitting and playing on the floor, 18" from me, but allows me to sit on my ass while he crawls around the backyard. Please figure that one out for me. I am at my wit's end here. I love the summer, and am excited for this summer. So many wonderful things are happening. We will be able to use the boat a lot; Charlie will be 1 in July; Chad and I are going on a happy little vacation to WA (and a big chunk of it is work related for Chad, so less dosh out of our pitiful coffers); seeing the house being built and all that excitingness; and 3 of our very dear friends are getting married (not all to each other, each to another). But really, I would I Dream of Jeannie it all away for it to be the beginning of October right now. I now, wishing my life away.

Oh, and here are some updates I have failed to blog about, because all I can do is obsess about what needs to be done/why am I not doing it/when will it get done/money/////////

  • Charlie's heart murmur is nothing. Our appt with the pediatric cardiologist was supposed to last and hour and a half. After 3 minutes with him, he said "We don't need to go any further. This is completely harmless, may come and go until he is 8, but it is really nothing. He is so healthy, it is sick". Ok, I paraphrased a bit, but it was the gist.
  • Work is going well. I am in a groove, and have some people I like. I worry less about getting fired everyday. Would still like to quit, just so I wasn't so stressed, but the money is so nice. Am actually thinking that I may stay on when we move. But haven't discussed that one with Chad yet.
  • The (supposedly) dug the hole on Monday, and are (supposed to) pour the foundation today. I am hoping Chad and I will swing by on Saturday to check it out.

Think that is all. I must go, Charlie has been doing his whinge/cry for far too long now. I really should just accept that he had a 20 minute nap and forge ahead. I can't wait until nap time.

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