Wednesday, May 18, 2005

BAD Mommy

Oh man, Charlie turned 10 months old, and I failed to commemorate it. I am really failing at being a Mommy right now. I also failed to get 9 month pics of him taken. UGH.

Things are just really nuts around here. How long have I been saying that for? We failed to get the house on the market this past Monday. We have our realtor coming over THIS Monday to get it all going. TG we (probably) aren't having open houses. It would just be all of our neighbors, anyway. At any rate, we are madly trying to finish things up. It seems to be we finish one project and another pops up/is created/is remembered....The list goes on.

And I am still working. I mean, I like it, it is fine. I just miss that time. It feels so much more go, go, go right now, and I am really craving a little STOP.

Ok, enough complaining, I want to remember my lil Charlie, just as he is TODAY.

Charlie is a master crawler now, nothing stops him. He has no problem going far away, and also enjoys following me around and trying to crawl up my leg. Go figure. He is pulling himself up, but not to standing yet. Still the two bottom teeth, and I gotta say, they are so gorgeously sweet.

He is also starting to babble a lot. Last week, he crawled over to me saying "Mamamamama", and last night he crawled to Chad saying "Dadadadadada". Apparently I had neglected to mention the former to Chad, and he was all thinking he was the first one! HA! But, nonetheless, he was over the moon to hear those words out of Charlie.

He is playing a lot, too, although he isn't the greatest at playing by himself. Jack and he have a game, where Charlie "chases" Jack around the house. It is very cute, and Jack is so good with Charlie, and so patient. Charlie also enjoys holding things up to me and grunting. Especially the roll of masking tape. Kind of like "Hey Mom, see me holding this up? Cool, huh?".

He is really growing up. I can see the toddler future in him. It is kind of bittersweet, but I think more sweet than bitter. I am also thinking a third is not such a crazy idea anymore. Not that I am rushing out to try, but fall is still looking like a possibility. 'Cause one can never be too busy, right? HA!

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