Monday, July 25, 2005

Bits of Me

Ten years ago: I was 19. Had just finished up my sophomore year at UMD. I was dating the guy I dated before Chad, and it was going well. I working as a hostess at the LE Inn. Nothing interesting had really happened to me, yet!

Five years ago: Now, this was exciting! Chad and I were newlyweds. I was going to a musical festival with some friends, and on the ride up, Chad called me about this job oppurtunity in England! It was the last day to submit resumes, and luckily we both had one current, and he sent them off. I had NO idea how fantastic it really all would be.

One year ago: Charlie was only a couple of weeks old, and it was all settling in. He wasn't a great sleeper, always wanted to be held, and I just never felt like I had any time off. Luckily, Jack was great. I don't think I could have handled newborn Charlie and a naughty Jack. Also, my 10 year high school reunion was just about this time last year. It was a blast, probably not even half of the class, but loads of people I wanted to see.

Yesterday: Chad and I spent a chunk of the day taking apart the kids' kitchen that I bought from a thrift store. We painted the "appliances" stainless steel and black over some of the other items, like cabinets. Chad cleaned the inside, or tried to. It looks pretty spiffy, if I do say so myself! Then, Jack napped and Chad took Charlie with him to Home Depot. I had a bath and some alone time. Then I worked last night. We had a corny little competition, but it was a bit of fun and my team won!

Five snacks I enjoy: chocolate, popcorn, nachos, ice cream and chocolate.

Five songs I know all the words to: Hmmm, not sure if I know all of the words correctly. There are some C+C Music Factory from way back, some Gin Blossoms, some Wallflowers (first album), some Bryan Adams (early stuff), and Gavin DeGraw's new stuff.

Five things I would do with $100 million: Build my dream home, pay off houses for my sis, BIL, ILs and anything grandparents want, set ourselves up for life, TRAVEL and something charitable for others, like my sister thought of building these cabins somewhere, and granting artists 6 month stints to use them and any supplies they need. Not just painters and such, but writers or pottery or flair bartenders (cos that is an art, you know. I saw it on the Food Channel). I liked her idea.

Five places I would escape to: Italy. Greece. Dubrovnik (Croatia). Tahiti in a glass bottomed hut. New Zealand.

Five bad habits: Biting my fingernails when I am nervous/stressed. Being bitchy when nervous/stressed. Not wiping up the floor properly after the kids have eaten (I miss the dogs). Picking at my eyelashes. Snapping at the kids.

Five things I like doing: Reading, traveling, enjoying a moment with my kids, zoning out on the computer, daydreaming.

Five things I'd never wear: Belly shirts, Capri pants, most things Carrie wore on Sex and the City (mostly cos she is tiny and I am not), Shoes with ridiculous heels, bikini.

Five TV shows I like: Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Gilmore Girls, McLeod's Daughters, Everwood.

Five biggest joys of the moment: Going to the farmer's market with my sister, planning out things for the new house, watching my boys enjoy each other, Jack volunarily kissing me and being able to spend alone time with Charlie (Jack and I get more alone time right now than Charlie and I do).

Five favorite toys: the computer, Ikea catalog, books, gardening aparati, credit card.

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