Tuesday, November 29, 2005


This year, I am thankful for:

  1. Being in love with my husband. Because it makes arguing, and making up, so much easier. I know, it doesn't make much sense, but it does to me and this is MY list.
  2. My beeyooootiful boys. They really are little joys and little terrors rolled into one.
  3. The health of 1 and 2, and of everyone else in my life.
  4. Our new house. I really love it and being in it.
  5. My parents' generosity. Because we probably wouldn't be in #4 without it.
  6. Still being home with my kids. For a million reasons, it really is the best for US.

For these reasons, and so many more, I am thankful for this life.

Cookie Cutters

Jack is getting to a GREAT age. No more teething, for awhile, anyway (molars are a bitch). He can communicate not just random words, but feelings and wants and desires. He sleeps through the night, virtually every night (I say virtually so as not to tempt fate. To be honest, I can't remember the last time he didn't). He can get into bed, get out of bed and needs no monitor on him. He wants to do things, like throw diapers in the diaper genie, zip his zipper, use the potty, and help me cook!! I can see why my friend, Jenny, is all about age 3-4. It rocks!

Anyway, I have wanted to make cookies with Mr. Jack for sometime now. First, I bought a few of those ready made cookie dough, and thought he would help me deposit the dough, cook 'em and eat 'em. Well, he was always napping when I remembered....so, he really didn't get to do ANY of that (they were all eaten by the time he woke up!). So one of my magazines has a recipe for sugar cookies, and I have been dying to use that with him and use the 100+ cookie cutters Chad got me for Christmas last year (I LOVE THEM). Jack is such an alphabet nut, that I thought he would really get a kick out of some letter cookies.

Well, the dough needs to chill for an hour (oops, really should have made it last night), so I got out the virgin cutters and thought Jack could peruse them, at least. Maybe take up 15 minutes or so. 40 minutes later, and STILL GOING. This year, I am thankful for cookie cutters. All 100+ of them.

Monday, November 28, 2005


So, my amazing little boy, Chuckster, is talking like a maniac. And me, being the crap mother that I am, am finally needing to write it all down. To look back on one day. Because that is what mothers do!

  • Blue (newest one...and he can point it out! granted, I haven't tested or tricked him with it yet)
  • Door
  • Da-da (dad)
  • Ma-ma (means Mom and milk, tho milk is more "mamamamamamama")
  • "dee-dee" for Sadie. He also calls Parker that, but we will let it slide for now.
  • ladder. He only said it once, but I am still putting it on the list.
  • ooooooh. Is that a word? I am counting it as one. lights and the christmas tree usually get some oooooohs out of him.
  • hello
  • hi (yes, there is a difference)
  • ball
  • Milk (kind of a different version of "mamama" but in a eating setting, or when he wants to take a nap)
  • banana (na-na)
  • night-night (can't believe I forgot that! It was his first word!)

Ok, there are more, but of course I can't remember them right now. Hence, the need for the list. I guess I will just have to add them as I remember!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Tis the Season

We are sick. Well, not all of us, but enough that makes it crappy. Plus, I am one of the main sickies, so that may be why it is so crappy. Chad started it, and then had the ill graces to sneak off to Wichita for the rest of the week today. Bastard. So I have a whiny, teething and sick Charlie, and a brattish almost 3 year old, who isn't sick....Yet.

Anyway, I also wanted to jot down some random things that are happening right now.

1) Jack is potty trained. My sister asked me if I would say that he was, and my first thought was to say "No". I mean, he still has accidents. Frequently. But they are usually every other day or more. Wherever we go, he goes without a diaper on. Without underwear, too, but that is his choice. And after the last time I tried to force it on him, and we went completely backwards for a week, I have decided to let him have it.

2) How is it that Jack inherited Chad's tendency to cross his toes while he watches TV? Seems a weird thing to inherit, and I doubt Jack has noticed that Chad does it and is copying him.

3) Charlie has 6 teeth, with about 7 to pop through any day. No wonder he is being voted out of the new house!

4) My ability to keep a house clean has nothing to do with the size. It is all me. But I think 6 months of having to live really cleanly has helped matters a lot. Now I wish it would encourage me to unpack the last few pesky boxes.

That seems to be all I can think of in my fuzzy brain right now. The couch calls.