Sunday, March 13, 2005

My Funny Little 8 Month Old

Charlie is 8 months old today, and it really has flown by. He is such a sweet little guy, despite his chronic sleep problem. He is so smiley and so happy, it is hard to stay mad at him. And he never holds a grudge! One minute his is so pissed that he has to stay in his crib and take a nap, and then I walk in there, and he is all smiles, kicking and flailing around. So sweet. Part of the problem with such a happy baby is, you don't know when he is sick. We had to take him to the ER last week, because his little cold was taking over. But all in the ER, when the doc is talking about true influenza and pneumonia and x-rays and with a 102.5 temperature, little Chuck is kicking away and smiling and looking so happy. Thankfully he didn't have any of those things, but it was headed that way. Some steroids and antibiotics have brought him almost back to health. Lucky little dude.

He isn't crawling yet, but it can't be far off. He can pull himself so high up, he just needs to get his butt up! He doesn't seem to understand that the butt and legs are crucial in crawling. He scoots himself around in a circle, and will roll around a bit, but he is getting frustrated about not crawling. He isn't a big babbler, and I wonder if there is just too much action around here, but what can you do. He loves being in the middle of it all and is really enthralled with his big brother. He loves to watch him and has been known to bust out laughing at something Jack does. It is really cute. Charlie's laugh is great; all throaty and guttural. You would think he was a smoker, if only he had such control over his fingers.

No teeth yet, either. My little late bloomer! Not sure when they will make their appearance, but for now he is so cute with his gummy smile!

I guess one word sums him up (still) -- SWEET. My sweet boy Charlie; happy 8 months, baby.

1 comment:

k said...

Charlie sounds quite cute (and my boy had no teeth at 8 mos either). :-)

Just thought I would say a quick, "hello."

Got here from Julia's site. I am also a TC, MN gal.