Saturday, October 09, 2004

Sweetness and Light

Do you ever have one of those days that are great, even though nothing major happened and there were lots of bad bits? Yesterday was one of those days and my boys are what made it great.

First off, we are still doing the sleep thing with Charlie, and boy, is he stubborn! I guess he has to be or he wouldn't be here....I mean, what are the chances that you have sex ONCE, a couple of days before ovulation, and get pregnant?!?!?! COME ON. Sorry, I digress. So right now we are doing a half sleep in the swing, half sleep (and cry) in the crib. For some reason, I have having a hard time crying it out with Charlie. He is just so sweet and content and then gets so riled up when he is in the crib, that it is hard to do, I guess. And Jack slept anywhere, so we really didn't do cry it out for a long time, so maybe that is it, that Charlie is younger than Jack was. Anyway, there was lots of crying and sleep issues yesterday, which could easily make a day go bad.

But enter my eldest son, Jack. He really is so much fun right now, when he is in a good mood. The day really was prepped for disaster. I knew it would be hard with Charlie. Then, Jack started the morning screaming. Screaming when Chad changed his diaper (Jack had been in the sandbox the previous day, and ingested some sand, I think) and his butt was hurting. I guess (Chad gets him ready in the morning) Jack put his hand in the diaper, and proceeded to rub poop all over himself! Poor Chad, not a nice way to start the day. Then, Jack went on to scream through breakfast. But a little motrin and some alone time, and he was my sweetie again!

It was just a nice day. Jack has been say Mommy lately ("Mah-mee") and I love to hear it. He points to himself when he says it. SO CUTE. And of course I was getting him to say it lots yesterday. He is just a talking maniac! Counting up to thirteen ("tir-teeeeen"); we did lots of that. Singing, he likes to sing "Row, Row, Row your Boat". I don't know, it is hard to pinpoint the one or two things that made it a nice day. I was patient with Charlie, Jack was fairly good. We are still doing the nap dance (when will he nap? now? Now? NOW??) and spent a good portion of the day in his room, trying to see if he would sleep, but he played so nicely.

I don't know, I guess I am rambling, I just wanted to get a day like this on record. Not long now and I will be understanding everything Jack says, and there will be less of this toddler-ness, more kid-like with him. And as frustrating as it can be, trying to figure out what he wants when he can't tell me, it is also sweet and fun and wonderful watching him grow up. Hearing him say "yellow" and "purple" and "eight" for the first time. Watching him walk around with the phone, pretending to talk to people. Just being my sweet little guy and making life so damn good.

P.S. Charlie makes life so damn good, too, but in a more stable way. Jack seems to be more highs and lows right now, where with Charlie, all I have to do is pick him up and he smiles. Doesn't matter if he was screaming his head off moments ago, if he catches my eye, he smiles. His sweet, gentle smile. It is nice having that with him.

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